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Scripting the Gimp (Gnu Image Manipulation Program)

Gimp can be extended and automated by writing scripts in Scheme (a programming langauge, closely related to LISP).

When preparing a few hundred images for www.naturfoto-haubner.de I needed that capability, but had to look for documentation of the most simple things (e.g. string handling) in many scattered places. Here I've put it together:

String handling

Documented in http://people.delphiforums.com/gjc/siod.html (start looking from strbreakup).

The apply function is nice too, e.g. (apply string-append (strbreakup s " "))

Batch processing

General rule: gimp --no-interface --batch '(lisp command1)' '(lisp command 2)'

Special application: gimp -i -b '(fhaubner-batch-process) (gimp-quit 0)'  /cdrom/image.tiff


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Last updated: 05.05.2007 17:43:09 Martin Stut, email: email address as image, Marburg, Germany
URL: http://www.stut.de/gimp-scripting.html